Emma Burnett is a researcher and writer.

She is a postgraduate researcher at the Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience. Her research focuses on self-organisation, competition, cooperation, and resilience in localised agri-food systems. Emma’s experiences are deeply rooted in Oxford’s food scene. In 2012, along with four others, she co-founded Cultivate, a cooperative social enterprise that worked to produce and distribute local food within Oxfordshire, and to help the community get involved in food-related issues and solutions. Before that, she got an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management from Oxford University.

Emma also writes science communication and fiction. She has been published in the Conversation, Urban Food Futures, and Good Food Oxfordshire’s blog. Her fiction has appeared in Apex Magazine, Radon, Utopia Magazine, MetaStellar, Milk Candy Review, Elegant Literature, Roi Fainéant, The Sunlight Press, JAKE, Rejection Letters, and more.

If you want to support Emma’s writing, you can sign up to be a Patron.

If you want her to do some writing for you, please feel free to get in touch.