I have a tendency to collect titles.
When a good title pops into my head, I add it to my very long list of titles that I almost never use. Clearly, I have told people about this, because it actually came up in an interview with Radon recently.
I got to thinking, sharing is caring. Those titles are probably kind of lonely, just all in a list. Unused, unloved. I probably won’t get around to them. That gives me the sads.
So here they are, free to pick from, free to use.
Take one as a prompt. Take one as a vibe. Take one and use it and put it to work. Make it feel loved.
Do let me know (here or here) if you choose one to use. That way I can cross it off the list, read the story when you publish it, and also then no one else uses the title and causes havoc.
A calcified life | Once shiny and new |
A deal with the dragon | One broom short of a witch |
A life in January | Pendulous |
A litany of near catastrophes | Pieces lost and pieces found |
A situationship of stars and skies | Poor little bitch girl |
A storage space for your body | Purple leaves |
A thing you do | Remains of a beautiful sunrise |
Above the browse line | Seduced by a rarely questioned mythology |
After the apocalypse, the cats | Segment of a [NOUN] |
All the tiny stitches | Shape and shame |
Broken by birth | Stories of hero nobodies |
Cancer of the soul | Stuff we go through and life |
Conversations in retrograde | The body below the body |
Copy-paste people | The emergent triptych |
Cosplaying the best version of me | The forgetting bands |
Cutting through cloud | The skynosaurs |
Devils in the detail | The space between birth and death |
Eve of the stars | The starlight keeps me warm |
Faces for radio | The torn out pages of my passports |
Helium kraken | The world remade |
Here, as the bombs fade away | The year of the breaking |
Honeymoon for one | To begin to finish |
How often we mourn | Trajectories of people, like comets in the sky |
I draped the field over the house | Two miles and a coconut |
In the bright of the day, the city sleeps | Unburied |
Just a cocoon | Vegetarian witchcraft |
Kintsugi heart | Vespertine |
Made of sugar and violence | Vistas of violence |
Many, any, some, none | Vivisection of the soul |
Menopausal weather | Void Spaces |
Moral questions of utilitarian benefit | When I fell on the mushrooms |
Never let weakness go unpunished | Yeeting the melancholy [NOUN] |
Nightmare fuel |