The Title Page

I have a tendency to collect titles.

When a good title pops into my head, I add it to my very long list of titles that I almost never use. Clearly, I have told people about this, because it actually came up in an interview with Radon recently.

I got to thinking, sharing is caring. Those titles are probably kind of lonely, just all in a list. Unused, unloved. I probably won’t get around to them. That gives me the sads.

So here they are, free to pick from, free to use.

Take one as a prompt. Take one as a vibe. Take one and use it and put it to work. Make it feel loved.

Do let me know (here or here) if you choose one to use. That way I can cross it off the list, read the story when you publish it, and also then no one else uses the title and causes havoc.


A calcified lifeOnce shiny and new
A deal with the dragonOne broom short of a witch
A life in JanuaryPendulous
A litany of near catastrophesPieces lost and pieces found
A situationship of stars and skiesPoor little bitch girl
A storage space for your bodyPurple leaves
A thing you doRemains of a beautiful sunrise
Above the browse lineSeduced by a rarely questioned mythology
After the apocalypse, the catsSegment of a [NOUN]
All the tiny stitchesShape and shame
Broken by birthStories of hero nobodies
Cancer of the soulStuff we go through and life
Conversations in retrogradeThe body below the body
Copy-paste peopleThe emergent triptych
Cosplaying the best version of meThe forgetting bands
Cutting through cloudThe skynosaurs
Devils in the detailThe space between birth and death
Eve of the starsThe starlight keeps me warm
Faces for radioThe torn out pages of my passports
Helium krakenThe world remade
Here, as the bombs fade awayThe year of the breaking
Honeymoon for oneTo begin to finish
How often we mournTrajectories of people, like comets in the sky
I draped the field over the houseTwo miles and a coconut
In the bright of the day, the city sleepsUnburied
Just a cocoonVegetarian witchcraft
Kintsugi heartVespertine
Made of sugar and violenceVistas of violence
Many, any, some, noneVivisection of the soul
Menopausal weatherVoid Spaces
Moral questions of utilitarian benefitWhen I fell on the mushrooms
Never let weakness go unpunishedYeeting the melancholy [NOUN]
Nightmare fuel